agree at the time to the sale of the house and to the division of the net proceeds of sale. nice butt skeleton retro poster You did have the option of seeking legal advice at the time, and I think it would be difficult to make any claim now against what
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in her statement she called me a rapist and a peodophile and i had to be questioned by police. the police believed me and said no charges would be made. nice butt skeleton retro poster my question is can i take her to civil court for slander or defamation of character. thanks. You need to assess how this ad hoc contact is impacting on the children and what you do next will depend on that. If you feel that the ad hoc contact is upsetting the children, you should communicate this to your ex and insist upon a routine if there is to be any contact at all.
If the children are fine with the contact the way it, is, you should ask yourself whether some contact is better than none for their sake. Be led by the children’s wishes and feelings. I know how difficult that is because as the main carer you too need to organise your life. Do factor that in when making your decision. It must work for you as a family unit. My ex got a court order to have his kids two nights a week on the 1st november and has only had them three over nights since then is anything I can do. You need to be aware that public funding is being withdrawn on 31st March for these types of applications, so if your solicitor does feel you have a case, you need to get on with this asap. It would seem from the information you have stated that you did

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