Really, I suspect you need to find a way of communicating their wishes to your ex wife. necromancy not what your mother meant when she said go make some friends poster I am divorced and have three daughters . The two eldest daughters have expressed a wish to spend
necromancy not what your mother meant when she said go make some friends poster
However given social services have previously indicated that your son should live with you, it would be sensible to speak to them first about this, as they may well speak with your wife to confirm the reasons necromancy not what your mother meant when she said go make some friends poster why your son should live with you. Both you and your wife have parental responsibility for your son, and both need to agree where your son should live. If your wife agrees that your son should live with you, then you do not need to take any further steps. A court only becomes involved in making an order in respect of where a child should live if the parents cannot reach an agreement.
A grandparent has no automatic legal rights in relation to their grandchildren, and therefore your boyfriend’s mother does not have any legal rights over the children; unless she has an order in her favour for them, whether in her sole name, or jointly with your boyfriend. This is an Order where the Court can stop your wife from doing a certain act, i.e. taking the child out of the jurisdiction. They could order that the child’s Passport be surrendered to avoid any possibility of her taking the child in breach of the Court Order. The Court make this order on an emergency basis, if you believe that your wife is to take the child away in a short period of time. Simple – the court will place a lot of weight on their wishes and feelings at age 16 and 14 because if they wanted to, they could vote with their feet! I hope that helps.

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