If your wife is now saying that she does not agree with your son living with you, vincent van gogh starry night hogwarts harry potter poster then you will need to make an application to the court for a residence order .
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a copy of which can be foundhere. The court will look at the reasons why your eldest wants to live with you. Their wishes and feelings will be taken into account if they are of sufficient age and maturity. vincent van gogh starry night hogwarts harry potter poster The impact on them of being treated differently from their siblings will also be considered. Spouse maintenance is payable if there is a financial need and if you have disposable income to pay it. You both have a duty to maintain one another until death, remarriage or a court order dismissing the obligation. The fact that you are the main carer for your son will probably increase your financial needs and probably reduce the amount of disposable income that you have to pay maintenance.
It is relevant whether she is permanently resident in Spain or just there temporarily. Do see your solicitor for a full advice on whether permission to relocate is likely to be granted based on the particular circumstances of your case. If you fear that your child may be removed quickly without your permission, you may apply to the court at short notice. You may also alert the police who may stop your ex and daughter leaving any major port in the country. You should seek advice urgently about this. You may apply to the court for a prohibited steps order preventing the removal of your child until the court has decided whether it is in her best interests to be relocated there. This decision is based on many factors including the reason for relocation, the support system available to your ex and child here and abroad, the child’s relationship with you, education and other needs.

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