My son is 15 next week, my solicitors have told me that I shouldnt fight tv show twin peaks poster in court for him because if my son was to say he wanted to stay with his father it would have all been a waste of money.
tv show twin peaks poster
Your niece could contact a mediator directly, or she could see if a solicitor can help initially, and if they are not able to help or an agreement is not reached then her solicitor can refer the matter to a mediator. tv show twin peaks poster You mention that you have children with him, if any are under 16 you may wish to contact the Child Support Agency regarding an application for maintenance, and they may be able to carry out enquiries for the purposes of the maintenance claim which could assist you. As you live in Scotland I will assume that the order was made in Scotland and as a result Scottish Law would apply.
I am a solicitor qualified to advise upon the law in England and Wales and therefore would suggest you go and seek advice from a specialist family lawyer who deals with Scottish Law. The Law is slightly different in both jurisdictions which is why you should speak with a Family Solicitor in Scotland. If the prohibitive steps order only applies to you removing the children from the county, then there is no reason why their Father cannot continue to have contact with the children in accordance with the order for contact in another county. Unless you and or the other members of the family are a risk to him, he should be maintaining contact. Particularly if there is a risk of permanent relocation, the matter needs to go before the court. This is something that needs to be explored by the court and possibly a Cafcass officer.

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