the issues and reach a new agreement on contact before new court proceedings are commenced. vintage hairdresser children poster You would need to approach a mediator who had the appropriate facilities
vintage hairdresser children poster
but they may also consider that the contact he is having on a Saturday is not appropriate either. Alternatively if the court believes that the risk can be managed, vintage hairdresser children poster then they may allow your former partner to pick up your son from school. Thank you for your question. It can be difficult to make arrangements for children particularly when you have had to obtain an injunction due to your former partner’s behaviour. I would urge you to seek an appointment with a Solicitor in your area specialising in this type of family law. You could try using mediation services or allow the matter to return to court so that the court can assess the harm and order accordingly.
At the moment, your ex is being very unreliable and does not seem committed to seeing the children as much as they need to see him. If it is possible, try to communicate the impact of this to your ex. If this is not possible and / or, if he is not interested in making any changes then you should make a decision as to how best your children can be prevented from being hurt. I have assumed your children are over the age of 18 as you describe them as adults. If they are aged under 18 years, then you can still make an application for child maintenance, but it will not be backdated, and would simply run from the date of the application. I hope this helps, and wish you the best of luck if these court proceedings are brought. Alternatively, you could suggest you both attend mediation to try and resolve

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