partner and family are stopping our contact, afro girl music and wine i am strong poster we dont want our daughter to be in trouble with court when she is being 2manipulated2 by them.What can we do? Thanks.
afro girl music and wine i am strong poster
You can appoint a guardian to look after your children if there is a reason why you do not wish for the father to have care of them. He will be able to challenge this when you die but at least your reasons will have been made clear. afro girl music and wine i am strong poster Whilst you are preparing a WILL, you can also plan what happens to your property. I’m sorry to hear that you are in this situation. You have a choice to deny this man any contact until you are reassured as to his conduct. Your first priority must be to protect the children from any risk of harm. The right to have contact with their father exists but only if doing so will not put them at risk of harm.
Perhaps you can discuss your concerns with him when he is sober or use mediation services to communicate. If he knows the reasons why he should not see the children, if he is aware of the risks and concerns, it is step forward to trying to change for the benefit of the children if indeed he wants to. I am sorry to hear about this. If you have an order in place I presume it is because contact was refused by the family initially. If you are committed to seeing your grandchildren and the court is satisfied that they should maintain their relationship with you, you may wish to return to court. The issue about your daughter is not one that I can comment upon but I do understand your dilemma. We have a contact order in place to see our grandaughter.our daughters

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