who hardly knew his mother, and gave him to once upon a time there was a girl who really loved music and wine poster her on the understanding she would remain in the area so we could check on her! If she was such a risk why did they take him
once upon a time there was a girl who really loved music and wine poster
you are entitled to know the address at which he will be sleeping, together with the telephone number for the property and the names of any other people who live at that address. once upon a time there was a girl who really loved music and wine poster You should know this information for emergency purposes. Just as your former partner is entitled to know this information when your son is with you. I regret that the best advice that I can give is for you to not give up on your grandson and find a robust family law solicitor to see the matter dealt with appropriately. My son and daughter in law separated during child care proceedings
in which I was given care of their 3 month old baby. I had him for nearly a year and saw him through his sleepless nights, teething, weaning etc. His mother hardly saw him at the supervised contact but my son did everything for him. The care proceedings were not proven and my son was allowed to came back to live with me and the baby. Social services however did a risk assesment on my daughter in law and it turns out she has had three abortions, was a drink and drug abuser, attacked her own mother, was arrested for theft, tried to commit suicide on several occasions and self harmed then told police ‘unknown’ persons had come into her house to harm her. The police know she was crying wolf and just attention seeking. She has physically attacked my son, lacerating his face and eyes with her long finger nails. Yet despite this risk assessment social services took the baby,

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