you would need to apply to the court to vary that order. the power of fishing retro poster In making a decision the court has to consider what is in the best interest of the child by taking into account the Welfare Checklist,
the power of fishing retro poster
I can appreciate it is very worrying for you as your son is still so small, but I cannot advise you about what the court might do next without further information about the specifics of your case. the power of fishing retro poster The term custody no longer exists, it was replaced by Parental Responsibility some years ago – if your son’s father is named on the birth certificate he may have parental responsibility. This does not mean that he will or will not have staying contact, it recognises that he is your son’s father. This means that your son has a right to be involved with his father, and that means you cannot change your son’s surname,
or move out of England and Wales without his consent. It means that you both need to agree on all the major issues in your son’s life, such as which school he should go to, and the times he spends with each of you. If the court have to make a decision it will consider what is in the best interests of your son, and will then make an order accordingly. I am not sure that I understand the reference to his dad not being his biological dad. If you mean that the person who you share a residence order with is not the biological dad, it is unlikely that this will affect the decision of the court bearing in mind they have already thought fit to make the shared residence order in his name. If you have a shared residence order but want to change the terms of it,

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