you may wish to consider mediation to see if any agreement everything will kill you so choose something fun mountain biking retro poster can be reached regarding the travelling, if it means that you will not be able to travel to them. It would be a matter for the individual
everything will kill you so choose something fun mountain biking retro poster
thanks. In these circumstances, it would not be unusual to expect your ex to take responsibility for part of the journey bearing in mind that it is in the children’s best interests to see you. everything will kill you so choose something fun mountain biking retro poster Try to discuss the difficulties that you are in with her and invite her to assist. You could try mediation services. Perhaps you could give her some options that make more financial sense for you depending on the age of the children. Alternatively you could discuss it directly with the mother or ask a solicitor to help you negotiate. If you cannot reach an agreement you could apply to court for a contact order that defines who is to be responsible for the travel costs.
However, you may struggle to get legal aid for this case and you would need to consider whether the legal costs justify the outcome. This will probably depend on whether you can continue with the contact in the absence of some assistance of the mother. what is meant to happen as per the court order. I have a residency order. Thank you for your email. If your contact has been arranged by a Court order then you should read it to check the wording regarding handover. If there is nothing regarding handover or it has been agreed between yourselves then you may want to raise any concerns again with your ex-partner if there will be practical difficulties with you collecting and dropping your children off. If there are practical difficulties with doing this and neither of you can reach an agreement

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