Lilly concedes that the current social stigma resulting from bloodborne vintage native american culture great spirit prayer poster pathogen diseases demands a more simple recordkeeping requirement.
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OSHA has therefore included section 1904.9 in the final rule to provide a uniform, simple method for recording a variety of serious disorders that have been addressed by OSHA standards. vintage native american culture great spirit prayer poster The § 1904.9 provisions of the final rule cover all of the OSHA standards with medical removal provisions, regardless of whether or not those provisions are based on medical tests, physicians’ opinions, or a combination of the two. Finally, by relying on the medical removal provisions in any OSHA standard, section 1904.9 of the final rule establishes recording criteria for future standards, and avoids the need to amend the recordkeeping rule whenever OSHA issues a standard containing a medical removal level. While these commenters are correct
in noting that the OSH Act does not specifically address medical removal levels and whether or not cases meeting these levels should be recorded, the Act also does not exclude them. The Act does require the recording of injuries and illnesses that result in “restriction of work or motion” or “transfer to another job.” OSHA finds that cases involving a mandatory medical removal are cases that involve serious, significant, disabling illnesses resulting in restriction of work and transfer to another job, or both. These medical restrictions result either in days away from work or days when the worker can work but is restricted from performing his or her customary duties. Lilly agrees with the Agency’s proposed method of recording exposure incidents that result in disease. All of these recordable incidents should be recorded simply as the type of bloodborne exposure incident (e.g. needlestick) with no reference to the type of disease. While Lilly is concerned about protecting the privacy of every individual employee’s medical information,

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