Although this approach does make the list of exempt industries vintage mountaineering it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves poster longer and more detailed, it also targets the exemption more effectively than did the former rule’s list.
vintage mountaineering it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves poster
and then presents OSHA’s rationale for including paragraphs through of the final rule, and the record evidence pertaining to each. Paragraph lists the exceptions to the presumption vintage mountaineering it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves poster of work-relatedness permitted by the final rule; cases meeting the conditions of any of the listed exceptions are not considered work-related and are therefore not recordable in the OSHA recordkeeping system. For some SIC codes, the BLS Annual Survey does not publish data at the three-digit level. The survey is designed to provide data at the four-digit level in the manufacturing industries and at the three-digit level in all other industries, primarily because of budget constraints that limit the amount of data the BLS can collect and process.
However, the survey has other publication criteria that make some of the data at this detailed level unpublishable. Under the proposal, coverage would have been based on the industry’s LWDI rate. If a 3-digit sector did not have published data, OSHA proposed to use the data for the two-digit industry group for that sector. You propose to base your exemption on achieving less than 75% of the average private sector lost workday injury rate; however, we would recommend expanding the size of the exemption to include all industries below the private sector average. We have no objection to your proposal to eliminate the “nesting” problem within 2-digit SIC code groups, as long as the exemption size is maximized. The recordkeeping paperwork burden for small and relatively safe industries is significant and not justified based upon the benefits received. Accordingly, non-mandatory Appendix A of the final rule identifies industries for exemption at the 3-digit SIC code level.

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