a person to leave their place of residence for the purposes of, vintage anatomy of a tattoo machine poster among other things, obtaining essential supplies or attending work where they are unable to work from home.
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or any other kind of persons operating premises of a kind specified by the Minister. In Western Australia, the Planning and Development Amendment Regulations have been introduced which, vintage anatomy of a tattoo machine poster among other things, permit the Minister in certain circumstances to issue exemptions from planning requirements during a state of emergency. An exemption must be necessary for the purpose of facilitating response to, or recovery from, the COVID-19 emergency. In the Northern Territory, the Planning Minister and Development Consent Authority have lifted restrictions imposed through conditions under development permits which limit the hours of operation or times of delivery for food and retail businesses for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Victoria, the Victoria Planning Provisions have been amended
so as to remove planning restrictions on the hours or days during which the loading and unloading, dispatch and delivery of food and other essential goods can occur. The purpose of this amendment is to allow supermarkets, hospitals, pharmacies and other essential businesses to continue to meet significant community demand. Unusually, the new provision, which is embedded in all Victorian planning schemes, purports to override the conditions attaching to existing planning permits. Density restrictions have not been imposed in a uniform fashion across Australia. As such, their precise application to your business should be carefully considered in each relevant jurisdiction. These restrictions can affect businesses by requiring them to monitor and control the number of staff and/or customers who are present in a given place at a particular time and in this way, can have a similar practical effect to gathering restrictions. In some cases, ancillary obligations will also apply. Exemptions are generally available to permit

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