however, for entities that have already held their AGM vintage its an uku things you wouldnt understand poster before the modifications becoming effective or are intending to hold their AGM after the Treasurer’s modification is due to expire
vintage its an uku things you wouldnt understand poster
However, the precise wording of the restrictions applicable in each jurisdiction, and the available exemptions, can vary, and must therefore be considered on a case by case basis, vintage its an uku things you wouldnt understand poster particularly as governments look to ease, or otherwise revise, these restrictions in the short-term future. We have worked with many companies and their registry and technology providers during this period of uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 to plan for and hold virtual AGMs. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the options that are available to your organisation. ASIC has indicated that its position is under continuous review. As the various federal and state authorities put in place policies and strategies to respond to COVID-19, and ASIC continues its ‘program of observation’, the regulator may continue to develop its position.
There is no provision under the Corporations Act or common law power that would allow a public company to postpone or cancel a meeting once it has been convened. Any postponement requires an express provision in the company’s constitution. Up until the Corporations Act was temporarily modified, the prevailing view was that virtual meetings were not permissible under Australian law, given the interpretation of the legislation required at least one physical location for company meeting. A ‘virtual’ meeting is one that is held entirely online. No physical place for the meeting is specified. Instead, all attendees, including the chair, participate from their own satellite locations using technology that allows them to, among other things, be counted in a quorum and vote and ask questions in real time. The modifications will be helpful for companies looking to hold a shareholder meeting in the next six months;
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