floor and recommended a series of changes to the plan reflecting concerns from conservatives and centrists.” cycling it will hurt it will take time worth it poster The committee voted for two motions supporting more cuts to Medicaid
cycling it will hurt it will take time worth it poster
The hope is that this Medicaid work requirement would be enough to persuade conservatives to vote yes on the bill. Some critics believe that work requirements could block cycling it will hurt it will take time worth it poster Medicaid beneficiaries who aren’t currently working from getting needed medical care. Going without this medical care, say these critics, would in turn prevent the beneficiaries from rejoining the workforce. In a private meeting on Wednesday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan told House Republicans the American Health Care Act would have to be modified if Republicans wanted to pass it through the House. The bill had initially been crafted by Republican leadership in the House with little input from rank-and-file Republicans.
However, resistance from within Ryan’s own party, coupled with an unfavorable Congressional Budget Office report, made Ryan walk back “from his earlier position that the carefully crafted legislation would fail if substantially altered.” Ryan hasn’t given any details on what changes are currently under consideration. “Now that we have our score we can make some necessary improvements and refinements to the bill,” said Ryan. GOP leaders have told reporters at CNN that they are planning on holding a vote on the American Health Care Act in the House of Representatives on Thursday. Thursday also happens to be the 7th anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s signing of the Affordable Care Act. The bill is currently being reworked to include Medicaid work requirements. Other changes “may also include making tax credits for older Americans more generous” in order to appease moderate Republicans. The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare passed a key hurdle on Thursday. The House Budget Committee “narrowly voted to move to the House
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