on the fact that the severity criteria modify the word “injuries” in the clause, vintage in a world full of princesses be a cowgirl poster “other than minor injuries requiring only first aid treatment and which do not involve medical treatment,
vintage in a world full of princesses be a cowgirl poster
For example, the final rule does not exempt firms in many of the more hazardous 3-digit SIC industries that are embedded within lower rate 2-digit SIC industries. It does, however, vintage in a world full of princesses be a cowgirl poster exempt firms in relatively low-hazard 3-digit SIC industries, even though they are classified in higher hazard 2-digit SIC industries. Where Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred rate calculations exempt all of the 3-digit SIC industries within a given 2-digit industry, the exempt industry list in Appendix A displays only the 2-digit SIC classification. This approach merely provides a shorter, simpler list. OSHA agrees with the point made by these commenters about the proposed rule’s use of the word “necessarily.” Accordingly, the word necessarily has been deleted from the Note to the Purpose paragraph of the final rule.
However, OSHA has rejected the suggestion made by these commenters to limit the admissibility of the forms as evidence in a court proceeding. Such action is beyond the statutory authority of the agency, because OSHA has no authority over the courts, either Federal or State. Because the provisions of the final recordkeeping rule, as explained above and in the subsequent sections of this preamble, are reasonably related to the statutory purposes, the Secretary finds that the rule is necessary to carry out her responsibilities under the Act. The rule is therefore a valid exercise of the Secretary’s general rulemaking authority under Section 8. Cf. Mourning v.Family Publications Services, 411 U.S. 356. OSHA believes that the Act does not support a different severity threshold for injuries than for illnesses. OSHA is now persuaded that its prior reading of section 8 placed too much emphasis
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