The loss of coral reefs worldwide, often labeled the rainforests of the sea, is especially distressing to scientists because of their u2 band 45 years thank you for memories signatures shirt tremendous diversity and the important services they provide. Coastal fisheries are affected not just by the loss of coral reefs and their communities, but by the damage inflicted on mangrove forests by heavy siltation.
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During such rapid climate changes, the cumulative responses of individual species can be telescoped together, with the result that major alterations in the species composition of ecosystems can occur quickly Birks & Ammann . Many species associations and biomes existing during the last deglaciation have no modern counterpart Williams . Little is known about exposure to diseases or the health of ice‐associated seals of the Bering Sea, which include ribbon , spotted , and bearded seals . To assess exposure to several pathogens, ribbon and spotted seals were sampled from the pack ice of the Bering Sea, and bearded seals were sampled in Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. Serum was tested for antibodies against phocine distemper virus , u2 band 45 years thank you for memories signatures shirt influenza A Spotted seals were positive for antibodies to. All species were negative for antibodies to Our study confirms that ice‐associated seals in Alaska have been exposed to at least five pathogens, some of which could pose health concerns for indigenous Arctic communities. We recommend continued monitoring to identify human health concerns and to monitor changes in seal health that might be exacerbated by effects of climate warming. Accelerated loss of sea ice in the Arctic is opening routes connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans for longer periods each year.
These changes will increase the ease and frequency with which marine birds and mammals are able to move between the Pacific and Atlantic ocean basins. Indeed, recent observations of birds and mammals suggest these movements are already occurring. Reconnection of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins will present both challenges to marine ecosystem conservation and an unprecedented opportunity to examine the ecological and evolutionary consequences of faunal exchange in real time. To understand these changes and implement effective conservation of marine ecosystems, we need to further develop modeling efforts to predict the rate of dispersal and consequences of faunal exchange. These predictions can be tested by closely monitoring wildlife dispersal through the Arctic Ocean and using modern methods to explore the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these movements. Arctic sea ice has changed dramatically, espe-cially during the last decade and continued declines in extent and thickness are expected for the decades to come. Some ice-associated marine mammals are already showing distribution shifts, compromised body condition and declines in productionabundance in response to sea-ice declines. In contrast, temperate marine mammal species are showing northward expansions of their ranges, which are likely to cause competitive pressure on some endemic Arctic species, as well as putting them at greater risk of predation, disease and parasite infections. The negative impacts observed to date within Arctic marine mammal populations are expected to continue and perhaps escalate over the coming decade, with continued declines in seasonal coverage of sea ice. This situation presents a significant risk to marine biodiversity among endemic Arctic marine mammals. After heavy tropical rains fall on cleared forest lands, the run-off carries soil into local creeks and rivers. The rivers carry the eroded soils downstream, causing significant problems. Hydroelectric projects and irrigation infrastructure lose productivity from siltation, while industrial installations suspend operations due to lack of water. Siltation also raises river beds, increasing the severity of floods, and creates shoals and sandbars that make river navigation far more troublesome. The increased sediment load of rivers smothers fish eggs, causing lower hatch rates. As the suspended particles reach the ocean, the water becomes cloudy, causing regional declines in coral reefs, and affecting coastal fisheries.
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