to the establishment’s injury and illness records. personalized name bud light beer tumbler Employee involvement is further enhanced by other parts of the final rule, such as the extended posting period provided in section 1904.
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of the 301 form contains the heading “Tell us about the case,” and elicits information about how the injury occurred, including the employee’s actions just prior to the incident, personalized name bud light beer tumbler the materials and tools involved, and how the incident occurred, but does not contain the employee’s name. No information other than that on the right-hand portion of the form may be disclosed to an authorized employee representative. The employer must provide the authorized employee representative with one free copy of all the 301 forms for the establishment within 7 calendar days. ther methods for improving employee involvement in the injury and illness recordkeeping system include giving employees accident causation and prevention information from the records. In addition, information about departments, accident types, injury types, hazards and contributing factors, etc.,
could and should be shared for the benefit of employer and employees. OSHA also noted that the General Accounting Office report (Ex. 3) identified employee lack of knowledge and understanding of the recordkeeping system as one cause of the underreporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Based on these and other reports and OSHA’s compliance experience, OSHA requested comment in the proposal on whether employers should notify employees that their injuries or illnesses have been entered into the records, if so, how employers could meet such a requirement and the degree of flexibility OSHA should give employers, any other ideas for improving employee involvement in the recordkeeping system, and the costs and benefits of alternate proposals. Detailed survey data systems should be developed so those employees could assist employers in evaluating accident and exposure risks associated with their work processes. Employee involvement also requires that employees and their representatives have access

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