However, OSHA does not consider this circumstance relevant for recordkeeping purposes. personalized name new england patriots american football team tumbler The fact that ironworkers experience a higher incidence of falls from elevation than do carpenters does not mean
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the case is recordable, even though the exact time or location of the particular event or exposure cannot be identified. Section 1904.12 provides that “here are no special criteria for determining personalized name new england patriots american football team tumbler which musculoskeletal disorders to record. An MSD case is recorded using the same process you would use for any other injury or illness.” This means that employers must apply the criteria set out in sections 1904.5-1904.7 of the final rule to determine whether a reported MSD is “work-related,” is a “new case,” and then meets one or more of the general recording criteria. The following discussion supplements the information provided in the summary and explanation accompanying section 1904.5, to assist employers in deciding which MSDs are work-related.
In the final rule, OSHA has not adopted the “special industries” presumption, for several reasons. First, doing so would be inconsistent with the approach taken by the Agency in other parts of the rule, i.e., specific industries have not been singled out for special treatment elsewhere. Second, a “special industries” presumption is not needed because the approach OSHA has taken in this section will provide employers with better ways of rebutting work-relatedness when that is appropriate. Finally, the special industries approach is not sufficiently accurate or well enough targeted to achieve the intended goal. Many cases of occupationally transmitted TB occur among employees in industries other than the “special industries,” and evidence shows that the risk of TB infection varies greatly among facilities in the special industries. OSHA is aware that the relative risk of TB, and of all occupational injuries and illnesses, varies widely from industry to industry and from occupation to occupation.

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