The final rule provides, in part, that operations are not considered separate personalized name national football league san francisco 49ers tumbler establishments unless they continue to be in operation for a year or more.
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the place where the injury or illness occurred is the most useful recording location. The events or exposures that caused the case are most likely to be present at that location, personalized name national football league san francisco 49ers tumbler so the data are most useful for analysis of that location’s records. If the case is recorded at the employee’s home base, the injury or illness data have been disconnected from the place where the case occurred, and where analysis of the data may help reveal a workplace hazard. Therefore, OSHA finds that it is most useful to record the injury or illness at the location where the case occurred. Of course, if the injury or illness occurs at another employer’s workplace, or while the employee is in transit, the case would be recorded on the OSHA 300 Log of the employee’s home establishment.
Section 1904.30 covers the procedures for recording injuries and illnesses occurring in separate establishments operated by the same business. For many businesses, these provisions are irrelevant because the business has only one establishment. However, many businesses have two or more establishments, and thus need to know how to apply the recordkeeping rule to multiple establishments. In particular, this section applies to businesses where separate work sites create confusion as to where injury and illness records should be kept and when separate records must be kept for separate work locations, or establishments. OSHA recognizes that the recordkeeping system must accommodate operations of this type, and has adopted language in the final rule to provide some flexibility for employers in the construction, transportation, communications, electric and gas utility, and sanitary services industries, as well as other employers with geographically dispersed operations.

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