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8 essential vitamins and minerals for women in their 30s

8 essential vitamins and minerals for women in their 30s

The age of 30 is the period when a woman’s body begins to enter the aging stage, the body has special needs to stay in a fresh and healthy state. But, what does providing vitamins and minerals mean for those “sudden” needs of the body?

8 essential vitamins and minerals for women in their 30s

1. Supports hormone balance: According to Life Hack, a woman’s hormone regulation is highly dependent on vitamins and minerals. They are even made from these nutrients. So you need to get enough vitamins to keep your hormones working properly.

2. Prevent anemia during menstruation or childbirth: Every month, women lose a lot of nutrients during the menstrual cycle. Childbirth is also a very stressful period for a woman’s body. Therefore, it is essential to regularly replenish lost vitamins and minerals.

3.Renewable vitamins and minerals: Women easily lose nutrients for many reasons such as the effects of drugs, stress in life, exercise, unbalanced food choices,…. That’s why it’s important to establish a healthy diet and lots of vitamins every day.

B vitamins play an important role in metabolism. Besides providing energy, these vitamins also help form blood. B-complex vitamins also help strengthen the brain and are important in preventing depression. B9 is a nutrient that doctors often recommend pregnant women use in the early stages of pregnancy.

Basically, this vitamin helps the body make new cells, preventing birth defects in the brain and spine for the baby. Vitamin B is easily lost when your body sweats a lot. For that reason, you need to get a regular supply of these vitamins by adding foods like eggs, dairy, meat, fish, dark green vegetables, kale and spinach to your diet.

Iron is one of the main minerals required for women’s health, especially during childbirth. However, this nutrient is also very easy to lose, especially during the menstrual cycle. Anemia is a sign that your body is iron deficient, usually due to a poor diet. According to the World Health Organization, 30% of non-pregnant women are anemic and 40% of pregnant women are anemic. Anemia causes fatigue, insomnia, headaches and loss of strength, hair loss, and lethargy. To supplement this nutrient, you can include iron-rich food sources in your diet such as spinach, liver, legumes, red meat, quinoa and turkey.

Vitamin D is also known as the sun vitamin, because your body automatically produces vitamin D by exposure to sunlight. This is an essential nutrient for the health of the brain, muscles, bones and teeth. Even on days when the sun is out, you can still find this vitamin in foods like eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry, as well as fortified foods.

Omega-3s (EPA and DHA) are considered essential fatty acids. mega-3 helps fight depression and anxiety. Furthermore, it helps to improve eye health and reduce heart disease and chronic inflammation. Since our bodies cannot produce enough on their own, we need to get our omega-3s from food or supplements. Salmon and saltwater fish, avocados, olive oil and nuts are good sources of omega-3s that you can add to your diet.

Calcium is important for our bone, muscle and nerve health. It also helps protect against certain cancers, diabetes, and high blood pressure. However, women in their 30s are a group of people at high risk of calcium deficiency leading to osteoporosis. The good news is that you can get calcium from foods like milk, green vegetables like broccoli, and some supplements.

However, it should be noted that only enough of these nutrients should be added. Because if the body has too much calcium, it will lead to the risk of kidney stones, hard blood vessels and heart disease.

Magnesium supports blood circulation, helps strengthen bones, muscles and promotes nerve health. Eating too many processed foods will reduce the amount of magnesium in your body. You may experience muscle cramps, unexplained fatigue, mood swings, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, nausea, and muscle weakness. So make sure your diet contains beans, whole grains, green vegetables and nuts.

Doctors often prescribe prenatal vitamins for pregnant women. But you don’t have to wait until you’re pregnant to take it. These vitamins contain a lot of folic acid and iron because they are important for the development of the baby, and still have the same effect on the body of a woman in her 30s.

Women over the age of 30 often experience intestinal health problems such as constipation, food sensitivities, allergies, and diarrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement with probiotics to improve gut health, especially when it is constantly exposed to many toxic substances and agents. You can find probiotics in yogurt, kefir, and products. other fermentation. Also, you can find them in supplement form.

Of course, it’s not until the age of 30 that women start supplementing with these nutrients. The other 8 vitamins and minerals are essential for any person. Always follow a healthy eating lifestyle that includes quality whole foods packed with vitamins and nutrients.

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