The process has been lengthy and is discussed in detail in the preambles the auburn tigers football crocband clog to both the original and revised final rules (see 48 FR and 52 FR ), and in the August 1988 NPRM (53 FR ).
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and “to order its application in those sectors unless he can state reasons why such application would not be feasible.” 763 F.2d at 739, 743. the auburn tigers football crocband clog The Court issued its initial decision on the challenges to the rule on May 24, 1985 United Steelworkers of America v. Auchter, 763 F.2d 728 (3d Cir. 1985)(Ex. 4-21.) The standard was upheld in most respects, but three issues were remanded to the Agency for reconsideration. The decision was not appealed. Petitions for judicial review of the original 1983 rule covering manufacturing were filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (hereinafter referred to as “the Court” or “the Third Circuit”) by the United Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO-CLC, and by Public Citizen, Inc., representing itself and a number of labor groups.
Motions to intervene in these cases were received from the Chemical Manufacturers Association, the American Petroleum Institute, the National Paint and Coatings Association, and the States of New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey. In addition, petitions for review of the standard were filed by the State of Massachusetts in the First Circuit; the State of New York in the Second Circuit; the State of Illinois in the Seventh Circuit; the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association in the Fourth Circuit; and the Fragrance Materials Association in the District of Columbia Circuit. These cases were subsequently transferred to the Third Circuit and consolidated into one proceeding. The cases brought by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association and the Fragrance Materials Association were withdrawn prior to filing briefs. The development of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard was initiated in 1974.

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