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When Roman Generals were awarded triumphs in Rome, a slave would stand on the chariot behind the general, holding a wreath above his head, and whispering baby yoda bourbon because 2020 sucks shirt ‘Remember that you are just a man’. This was a reminder to the general that he was not above the people or the senate, and in Caesar’s case, that he was not a god! This tradition lasted up tot he end of the Roman Empire. Again, just Brilliant!!!! Thank you for teaching me a different way to look at life All your videos are awesome insights.. everyone must get exposed to and try to follow them. Profound insights in such a short video, in love with it. Yes you rightly mentioned that unless we learn our lessons, we keep repeating
the same situations.. and I identified the pattern but not able to pinpoint the lesson… i want to get rid of the pattern, learning is my choice but still unable to figure out what’s the lesson… what do i do? Mother Theresa of Calcutta thought in many of the same terms, guided by the Holy Spirit you can reach your full potential and your salvation. Man’s wisdom is fooling us in the sight of God. The cross is the true teacher of humility and wisdom. The day I achieve something beyond my thoughts, is the day I will put a part of me aside, for you. Jay Shetty, you affect my life in ways unknown. And I won’t forget that ever. Beautifully said, one of my favorite ones Thanks Jay! Your each video gives a great power to start a day with bro and same goes with this one.

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