response to many of the questions raised by this commenter. personalized name winnie the pooh and eeyore tumbler That document clarifies that OSHA will not conduct inspections of home offices and does not hold employers liable for employees’ home offices.
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improving the accuracy and consistency of the Nation’s occupational injury and illness data. Accordingly, OSHA has not adopted this suggested approach in the final rule. In the final rule, personalized name winnie the pooh and eeyore tumbler OSHA has decided against the proposed approach of determining case resolution based on a certain number of days during which the injured or ill employee did not lose time, receive treatment, have signs or symptoms, or be restricted to light duty. OSHA agrees with those commenters who argued that the proposed approach was too prescriptive and did not allow for the variations that naturally exist from one injury and illness case to the next. Further, the record contains no convincing evidence to support a set number of days as appropriate.
OSHA thus agrees with those commenters who pointed out that adoption of a fixed time interval would result in the overrecording of some injury and illness cases and the underrecording of others, and thus would impair the quality of the records. However, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether signs or symptoms are due to a new event or exposure, or are a continuance of an injury or illness that has already been recorded. This is an important distinction, because a new injury or illness requires the employer to make a new entry on the OSHA 300 Log, while a continuation of an old recorded case requires, at most, an updating of the original entry. Section 1904.6 of the final rule being published today explains what employers must do to determine whether or not an injury or illness is a new case for recordkeeping purposes. OSHA has recently issued a compliance directive (CPL 2-0.125) containing the Agency’s

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