you may ask that person whether the employee can perform personalized name glitter lips dallas cowboys tumbler all of his or her routine job functions and work all of his or her normally assigned work shift.
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Some commenters, however, urged OSHA to make an exception from the recording requirements for cases where the employer voluntarily, or for preventive purposes, personalized name glitter lips dallas cowboys tumbler temporarily transfers an employee to another job or restricts an employee’s work activities. OSHA does not believe that this concept is relevant to the recordkeeping rule, for the following reasons. Transfers or restrictions taken before the employee has experienced an injury or illness do not meet the first recording requirement of the recordkeeping rule, i.e., that a work-related injury or illness must have occurred for recording to be considered at all. A truly preventive medical treatment, for example, would be a tetanus vaccination administered routinely to an outdoor worker.
However, transfers or restrictions whose purpose is to allow an employee to recover from an injury or illness as well as to keep the injury or illness from becoming worse are recordable because they involve restriction or work transfer caused by the injury or illness. All restricted work cases and job transfer cases that result from an injury or illness that is work-related are recordable on the employer’s Log. You must record the injury or illness on the OSHA 300 Log as a restricted work case. If a physician or other licensed health care professional recommends a job restriction, you should ensure that the employee complies with that restriction. If you receive recommendations from two or more physicians or other licensed health care providers, you may make a decision as to which recommendation is the most authoritative, and record the case based upon that recommendation. If you are not clear about a physician or other licensed health care professional’s recommendation,
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