I’m not the only one who needs to work on things just the good ol’ boys never meanin’ no harm beats all you never saw shirt but I’ve always wanted you to be the best self you can be. I always wanted to be the person who made you want to.
just the good ol’ boys never meanin’ no harm beats all you never saw shirt
your partner, your spouse, your lover, through out this journey in life and I know that together we will accomplish great beautiful things! I know that there will be failure just the good ol’ boys never meanin’ no harm beats all you never saw shirt but I won’t let you give up, I’ll be there holding your hand to get back up and push harder till we/ together achieve the end of the line! I love you with all my hart and all I have in me! You’re amazing and they are not on tinder!! lol a bunch of cliche quotes strung together to make sense of the modern day dating problems. this man speaking in this videos voice is annoying af but his words are pretty spot on take a min to watch
and most importantly listen this “bum ass dude” is gna try to get back to bed listen to this… Were here to make each other stronger, help each other to achieve our highest goals… Communication is the key… Such wise words that ring true How do you empower & enhance a husband to continue growing & be the best he can be when he now has serious medical Dx & can’t work & feels like he has no place in life . He feels pretty close to my elderly pts, just waiting to die. I understand alot of men want to be the bread winner & take care of his family. Robby I know we’re not in the best place right now but I hope you know that this is all I want for you. I’m guilty of doing some of the things he said and

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