enhance eachother, so inorder to love and add value charlie brown snoopy and woodstock star trek shirt in someone love and value yourself and understand yourself before learning to understand someone else. Anyways I love you babe.
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I hope someday you’ll realize that you can do so much more with or without me. We’ve already been through so much and we’ve been together a year charlie brown snoopy and woodstock star trek shirt but so much of what we have gone through has been growing together. You’ve inspired me in ways I couldn’t have believed before I met you. You’ve brought to life so many things I thought were never real and opened my world to show me all that life offers and what is worth living for I love you so much angel I want to help you grow to reach your potential and achieve all you goals. You inspire me to be great and to grow to be the best me I can. I love you so much! I think we both do
this pretty well for each other you make me want to be my best and I don’t think we depend on each other for things unless we need help meant to be together forever thank you for always making me realise I can be more than I imgn to be.. that I can make it and giving up is never an option.you inspire me ..I love you each word said by him is so true we need to understand this very well and implement it in our lives. You make me feel better about myself, more than I ever have done before. And as though Anything is possible. I love everything he says in this video best video on relationships I’ve seen in a while.. also sorta like what i was saying the other day haha Two people who understand themselves

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