because many citizens live in mixed-status households with individuals houston texans ugly christmas sweater who are subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility. Many commenters provided studies or data related to the current or potential
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cause vulnerable individuals and families to avoid accessing services, even if they are legally residing in the United States and not subject to the proposed rule. houston texans ugly christmas sweater Several commenters said the proposed rule would adversely affect immigrant women, because they will be more likely to forego healthcare and suffer worsening health outcomes. A comment described the detrimental impact of reduced Medicaid enrollment on maternal and infant health. Multiple commenters said the proposed rule would lead to negative health outcomes in general, but especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants, and children. Another commenter indicated that refugees and victims of trafficking, who are exempt from public charge, would also disenroll because of fear and gave the example that in 1996
the use of TANF fell 78 percent among the refugee population despite the fact that refugees were not subject to the public charge test. Many commenters said some individuals will leave public housing as a result of this rule and become homeless or face housing instability. Commenter stated that the rule will cause disenrollment from subsidized housing programs, which will create additional costs for local governments. Commenters stated that the chilling effect on using HCVs will cause the loss of “wraparound services” for residents, including case management, mental healthcare, peer support, and child care. Commenters raised concerns about the effects of housing insecurity in specific cities, including health problems and downstream economic impacts. One commenter stated that while the proposed public charge rule does not directly count benefits received by the U.S. citizen children of immigrant parents, it would still interfere with the ability of U.S. citizens to receive housing assistance,
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