and the public charge determination and immigration status. new york jets patches ugly christmas sweater Numerous commenters said including CHIP in public charge assessments
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of benefits as evidence of financial status would lead to a widespread chilling effect among immigrants and citizens alike. One commenter asserted that, new york jets patches ugly christmas sweater unless DHS is willing to compel employers in agriculture and in other industries to provide a living wage and health benefits, it is cruel and unjust to punish hard-working immigrants who rely on public benefits but who also benefit the United States. Several commenters stated that the rule is contrary to decades of bipartisan congressional lawmaking regarding disability inclusion, including the ADA, Section 1551 of the ACA, Fair Housing Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . A few commenters, in particular, warned that the rule would echo the types of bias and archaic attitudes about disability that the Rehab Act was meant to overcome.
One commenter stated that, while the proposed changes to the totality of circumstances would especially affect people with disabilities, excluding them from the United States by claiming they are more likely to need government assistance, the Rehab Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on the basis of disability, whether or not they are a citizen. Some commenters stated that the proposed rule’s broad reading of the statutory health and resources factors for public charge determinations are inconsistent with Section 504’s prohibition on disability-based discrimination. Many commenters generally warned that CHIP should not be included in public charge assessments because doing so would cause significant harm, including serious health consequences, costly long-term expenses for health care providers and patients, and food insecurity in children, which is especially detrimental to the health, educational performance, development, and well-being of children. A commenter stated that including CHIP would lead to parents having to choose between their child’s health,
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