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This is only one of the many reasons why you’re such an awesome friend!. Thank you for always always being there for me, never judging me and simply being you. denver broncos busy block ugly christmas sweater You’re one in a million and I’m extremely lucky. We are both very lucky to have each other! 14yrs of friendship and still going strong! Wouldn’t swap it for the world love you lots little one He’s spot on. The second friend can be tricky when it comes to them showing care for you but not your mate. They will make you feel good about yourself n everything that you do right ow wrong but be trying to ruin your relationship.
The third Friend is the one nobody wants to hear but keeps it real n what everybody needs. you’re a day 1 brother. You never try to tell me how to do something and look out for me when I’m drunk and whatever I choose you always there for me I always give my friend advice but i always let the decision on them to decide. Because i don’t want them to blame me if i push them to accept my advice. Because i could be wrong !. So i agree with you. I think it all simply comes down to loyalty. If you’re not loyal to yourself – valued and ethics – what makes you think you can be loyal to anyone else? That’s when, I believe, the man or woman loses their way in a relationship and strays. Great video to watch, and for anyone reading this, keep your hearts alive and strong.

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