prevalent in the public discourse, it remains under-discussed and poorly defined in legal literature, preventing it Floral baltimore orioles mlb hawaiian shirt from helping cata e fair decarbonization. This Article seeks to define the term, test its validity, and articulate its relationship with law so the idea can meet its potential. The Article is the
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measures under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . Just transition in essence deals with the employment issues, thus the impact of climate change policies on employment should be understood in the first place. Low-carbon development refers to a development path to low-carbon economic growth by phasing out fossil fuels, with the objective of achieving sustainable development while hting climate change. Adjustments in the industry structure and energy structure will not only have an impact on the Floral baltimore orioles mlb hawaiian shirt employment scale and structure but also generate new demand for job skills. In order to achieve just transition in implementing climate policies, China should promote targeted research, create more low-carbon jobs by increasing green investment, and pay special attention to people who lose their jobs due to the implementation of climate policies and keep them from falling into poverty. point of view, yet little attention has been given to the socio-economic dimensions of this transition. This is in part due to lack of availability of datasets required for such analysis. The first step in understanding the socio-economic dimensions of a coal transition in India is to understand the scale of current socio-economic dependency on coal at sub-national level. We contribute to this literature by creating a novel dataset comprising of all operational coal mines in India using multiple Right to Information Act applications India’s Freedom of Information Act and then combining this dataset with coal company wise employment factors to estimate direct job numbers at a district level a sub-administrative unit. We find that coal is produced in districts in states in India with large variations in employment numbers among these districts. While Korba district in Chhattisgarh state is the highest coal producing district, Dhanbad district in Jharkhand state is home to the highest number of coal mining workers. This is the first attempt at understanding the socio-economic dependency on coal at a district level and future work could focus on other quantifying other district level socio-economic indicators such as coal related revenues. The new dataset and the results of this paper will be useful for scholars conducting future work on coal transitions and related topics. With the dual challenges of reducing emissions from fossil fuels and providing access to clean and affordable energy, there is an imperative for a transition to a low carbon energy system. The transition must take into consideration questions of energy justice to ensure that policies, plans and programmes guarantee fair and equi access to resources and technologies.
An energy justice framework is outlined to account for distributional, procedural and recognition inequalities, as well as emerging themes such as cosmopolitan and non-Western understandings of justice, in decision-making relating to energy systems. The spectrum of research offers critical perspectives on the energy transition as well as tools for decision-making and policy processes. Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods all contribute to our understanding of the problems and the success of responses. The studies presented in this special issue illustrate that the field of energy justice is a rapidly growing arena. There is constant innovation taking place in enabling the transition with new structures, processes and metrics being introduced to guide decision-making and a more holistic view of the community emerging where acceptance, mobilisation and empowerment are opening possibilities for a just transition to a low carbon energy system. The importance of introducing the interdisciplinary approach between social sciences and natural sciences as well engineering implementation supported by scientific data and experiments shall be emphasized in future studies. The transition to a low-carbon society will have winners and losers as the costs and benefits of decarbonization fall unevenly on different communities. This potential collateral damage has prompted calls for a “just transition” to a green economy. While the term, “just transition,” is increasingly
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