I told them, it’s necessary, to be happy alone with your own life and loving YOURSELF at first – arizona cardinals busy block ugly christmas sweater and maybe later, you can SHARE your happy life with an other person.
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Jay, your messages and videos vibrate through me on a level that is so hard to put into words. He helps so many of us! I am so grateful for his videos and impact on the world! arizona cardinals busy block ugly christmas sweater This is so true! I’ve learnt that lesson the hard way and now I love myself a lot because nobody will do it as good as you can do it! You are your own hero in this life! I’ll talk about that with my students (to pursue their own happiness and complement it with their twin souls) imagine what you love most in this world….. keep loving it and when u find someone who loves that same thing or person….. gentlemen!!!! you have found out your true love for this life….
! see learn from this. You have put that key in your friends pockets so therefore now you say you struggle without them but it’s to you to get that key back and keep it to yourself and be happy within yourself no matter what happens Im not trying to depress you babe, Im trying to help you realize whats going in reailty To correct what you said about depression and anxiety: those aren’t things we “do” to ourselves. They are mental illnesses. A person who harms herself needs medical attention, not a pep talk. Other than that, I think this video was spot on. The most people aren’t able to be happy by themselves, they really think they need an other person for it. And they were looking to me pitying, not understanding, that I am REALLY happy without a partner.
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