It is an ongoing process or conversation that builds trust and relationships’. busch light beer crocband clog It is certainly the case that the requirement for serious, sustained engagement between governments
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The democratising potential of information alone is limited, as decision-makers are not bound by it. Consultation is more influential, as citizens have greater access busch light beer crocband clog to decision-makers and are able to feed into parts of the decision-making process, though they do not have the power to ensure that that their knowledge or opinions are taken into account. It is public participation, with its deliberative qualities, that is most likely to have positive democratic effects. It is now virtually unthinkable that an Australian government agency would not have a website enabling, as a minimum, public access to corporate and general agency information. Some agencies are exploiting Web 2.0 technology to facilitate interactive engagement, but by and large, information flows remain one way—from government source to passive receiver of information,
with the source being the determiner of what information is made available, when, and at what level of granularity. In April 2008 the OECD Council adopted the Recomendation for enhanced access and more effective use of public sector information.It elaborated principles of openness, transparency, quality and integrity, use of new technologies, redress and fair pricing mechanisms, and international access and use. Australia participated in the development of, and is a signatory to, these protocols. The literature on public participation in governance, civil society and politics is voluminous, and the word ‘engagement’ is peppered throughout. Engagement, in the governance and policy context that concerns us here, connotes a relatively sustained and systematic interaction between the parties. It involves the sharing of information, the offering of accounts, the giving and receiving of reasons, and the articulation of values. ‘Engagement is not a single process or set of activities.
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