What are yall talking about there is videos about a guy getting fucked over detroit lions national football league ugly christmas sweater by women theres even movies and the man has the last laugh at the end just focus on the message
detroit lions national football league ugly christmas sweater
Please make a video on a man’s perspective as well. Spent time with friends and family and now one year passed I don’t need anyone else to fill her gap detroit lions national football league ugly christmas sweater as my friends and family are always there for me I think its because girls do more of the behaviour you saw in the video. Personally I saw myself instantly. They’re never around when you need them but you’re always there. Girls are more emotional and feel a bit more empathy when judging how their actions affect others. Not saying everyone of course… And this video isn’t trying to say all guys leave or the only people to leave a relationship is a man, that’s not the case. I knw…not all
guys r bad and not all girls r bad either. What I’m trying to say is… the internet is choking with videos of a “bad guy” dumping a “good girl” in the end the girl gets over him..n he regrets as a loser…!! Thr r many guys who need emotional n mental support in the hard times…. such as a breakup… and by making a video abt a guy… would do wonders… in helping them get over… their past relations..! We guys may never show girls…. but we too feel the same amount of pain and agony as the girls..! Of course you do, you are a human. There are a couple more videos of his where he gives a man’s perspective as well as the woman’s, check them out Dont think it’s always have to be a guy!! Maybe us women just talk about it more often!
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