national by any State under the operation of its law. vintage when nothing goes right go fishing poster Sovereignty – The existence of rights over territory and the authority which a State exercises over
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The written pleadings are not made available to the press and public until the opening of the oral proceedings, and only then if the parties have no objection. vintage when nothing goes right go fishing poster States have no permanent representatives accredited to the Court. They normally communicate with the Registrar through their Minister for Foreign Affairs or their ambassador accredited to the Netherlands. When they are parties to a case before the Court they are represented by an agent. An agent plays the same role, and has the same rights and obligations, as a solicitor or avoué in a national court. However, since international relations are at stake, the agent is also as it were the head of a special diplomatic mission with powers to commit a sovereign State.
He/she receives communications from the Registrar concerning the case and forwards all correspondence and pleadings, duly signed or certified, to him. In public hearings the agent opens the argument on behalf of the government he/she represents and lodges the submissions. In general, whenever a formal act is to be done by the government represented, it is done by the agent. Agents are sometimes assisted by co-agents, deputy agents or assistant agents and always have counsel or advocates, whose work they co-ordinate, to assist them in the preparation of the pleadings and the delivery of oral argument. Since there is no special International Court of Justice Bar, there are no conditions that have to be fulfilled by counsel or advocates to enjoy the right of pleading before it, the only exception being that they must have been appointed by a government to do so. Stateless person– A person who is not considered as a

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