Huber, however, are demonstrating that rigorous analysis vintage man motorcycle its not a phase it my life its not a hobby its my passion poster can uncover win-win opportunities. Such analysis looks at the full revenue- and cost-side contributions of environmental initiatives to shareholder value.
vintage man motorcycle its not a phase it my life its not a hobby its my passion poster
After nearly a decade of fairly committed efforts on the part of business and economic communities to reduce their environmental impact, all we find is that the rate vintage man motorcycle its not a phase it my life its not a hobby its my passion poster of acceleration of environmental degradation throughout the world is slowing down. If we want the world to beat a path to our door because we produce a better environmental mousetrap, we need to improve processes and products, not find better ways of disposing of waste. We do not need to throw money at every environmental opportunity that comes along, but we must develop and implement methods to measure environmental performance and assess the contribution it makes to shareholder value both by reducing costs and by enhancing revenues. The key to maintaining continuous environmental improvement is management, not technology.
Cost-effective technologies will emerge so long as management systems identify, prioritize, and evaluate environmental opportunities. I agree that many win-win improvements in environmental performance to date have consisted of harvesting low-hanging fruit, but companies like Polaroid continue to find cost-effective environmental improvements. After the third year of its toxic-use reduction program, for example, Polaroid had exhausted the low-hanging fruit but went on to adapt best-in-class technologies to its existing processes and research new processes and chemistries. Polaroid has put in place systems to maintain continuous improvement in its environmental performance while funding only the projects that meet corporate ROI objectives. We have little basis on which to judge whether win-win environmental investment opportunities are rare or plentiful. Most U.S. companies don’t have adequate tools to scan their operations for environmental opportunities or to prioritize or evaluate them in terms of contribution to shareholder value. Companies like Polaroid, DuPont, and J.M.

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