required to prevent further warming due to Earth system feedbacks and to reverse ocean acidification and will be required to minimize sea level rise . C… Modelled pathways limiting global warming to . with no or limited The simpsons tv show summer vacation hawaiian shirt overshoot project a wide range of global average discounted marginal abatement costs over the st century.
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Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change channels . More recently there is a growing understanding of the scale and increase in non-governmental organizations and private funding in some regions . Barriers include the scale of adaptation financing, limited capacity and access to adaptation finance . Adaptation to . global warming can also result in trade-offs or maladaptations with adverse impacts for sustainable development. For example, if poorly designed or implemented, adaptation projects in a range of sectors can increase greenhouse gas emissions and water use, increase gender and social inequality, undermine health conditions, and encroach on natural ecosystems . These trade-offs can be reduced by adaptations that include attention to poverty and sustainable development . All pathways that limit global warming to . with limited or The simpsons tv show summer vacation hawaiian shirt no overshoot project the use of carbon dioxide removal on the order of GtCO over the st century. CDR would be used to compensate for residual emissions and, in most cases, achieve net negative emissions to return global warming to . following a peak . CDR deployment of several hundreds of GtCO is subject to multiple feasibility and sustainability constraints . Significant near-term emissions reductions and measures to lower energy and land demand can limit CDR deployment to a few hundred GtCO without reliance on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage .
The urban and infrastructure system transition consistent with limiting global warming to . with no or limited overshoot would imply, for example, changes in land and urban planning practices, as well as deeper emissions reductions in transport and buildings compared to pathways that limit global warming below . Technical measures and practices enabling deep emissions reductions include various energy efficiency options. In pathways limiting global warming to . with no or limited overshoot, the electricity share of energy demand in buildings would be about in compared to in for global warming . In the transport sector, the share of low-emission final energy would rise from less than in to about in compared to for of global warming . Economi institutional and socio-cultural barriers may inhibit these urban and infrastructure system transitions, depending on national, regional and local circumstances, capabilities and the availability of capital . C… CO emissions from industry in pathways limiting global warming to . with no or limited overshoot are projected to be about lower in relative to , as compared to for global warming of . Such reductions can be achieved through combinations of new and existing technologies and practices, including electrification, hydrogen, sustainable bio-based feedstocks, product substitution, and carbon capture, utilization and storage . These options are technically proven at various scales but their large-scale deployment may be limited by economi financial, human capacity and institutional constraints in specific contexts, and specific characteristics of large-scale industrial installations. In industry, emissions reductions by energy and process efficiency by themselves are insufficient for limiting warming to . with no or limited overshoot . B… Risks to global aggregated economic growth due to climate change impacts are projected to be lower at . than at by the end of this century. This excludes the costs of mitigation, adaptation investments and the benefits of adaptation. Countries in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere subtropics are projected to experience the largest impacts on economic growth due to climate change should global warming increase from . to . A… Reaching and sustaining net zero global anthropogenic CO emissions and declining net non-CO radiative forcing would halt anthropogenic global warming on multi-decadal times cales . The maximum temperature reached is then determined by cumulative net global anthropogenic CO emissions up to the time of net zero CO emissions and the level of non-CO radiative forcing in the decades prior to the time that maximum temperatures are reached . On longer time scales, sustained net negative global anthropogenic CO emissions andor further reductions in non-CO radiative forcing may still be
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