Exs. 4-194, 71-40. Accurate information is also needed to properly design engineering controls, texas am athletics football crocband clog select appropriate protective clothing, and choose an effective respirator for exposed employees.
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This discussion will focus on the sequence of events which has occurred since the original final rule was published in the Federal Register on November 25, 1983, texas am athletics football crocband clog and in particular, those which have occurred since the NPRM was published. Workers provided the necessary hazard information will more fully participate in, and support, the protective measures instituted in their workplaces. The presence of labels and material safety data sheets in the workplace will provide each worker with the hazards of the chemicals, as well as the means to protect themselves. The training of workers will teach them how to use the available information effectively. Properly trained workers will know how to read and use labels and material safety data sheets, will know what protection is required to work safely with
the chemicals in the workplace and will use it, and will be able to determine what actions are necessary if an emergency occurs. (E.g., Exs. 4-75, 4-174.) Information on chronic effects of exposure to hazardous chemicals will help workers recognize such symptoms and seek early treatment of chronic disease. The provision of information under the HCS about these effects and protective measures will reduce the incidence of chemical source illnesses and injuries in the workplace. 48 FR . An effective hazard communication program will accomplish this purpose through modifying the behavior of both employers and employees. Employers, many of whom have not been aware of the potential hazards of the chemicals they purchase to use in their workplaces, will be able to use the information provided under the HCS to design better protective programs. Complete information about chemicals may allow an employer to choose a less hazardous product, thus preventing dangerous exposures from occurring.
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