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and coral reefs .. Economic efficiency of responses, which refers to the overall monetised balance of costs, benefits , co-benefits and drawbacks. Economic barriers arise if responses have a negative net benefit or a benefit-cost ratio smaller than one. While it would be desirable to have information on the economic efficiency of integrated responses combining different response types, an assessment cannot be provided here due to the lack of literature. revious assessments however left gaps, including quantifying the benefits from adaptation in terms of risk reduction. estimate that risks related to SLR are already detec globally and will increase rapidly, so that high risk may occur before a m rise level is reached. Soil salinisation affects agriculture directly with impacts on plant germination Sánchez-García , plant biomass production Yao , and yield Genua-Olmedo . Impact on Surfing baby yoda mandalorian hawaiian shirt agriculture is especially relevant in low-lying coastal areas where agricultural production is a major land use, such as in river deltas. does not provide RCP based scenarios, but is considered as an extensive sensitivity estimate providing a high-end estimate based on physical process understanding of the Antarctic contribution. , but the volume of ice loss is not quantified. Equity and social vulnerability are often negatively affected by SLR and also responses to SLR, which can undermine societal aspirations such as achieving the SDGs . Cross-scale and cross-domain coordination linking differing jurisdictional levels, sectors and policy domains is often needed for effective responses .
Time horizon and uncertainty associated with SLR beyond challenge standard planning and decision making practises . Of particular relevance for responding to SLR is anthropogenic subsidence, which can lead to rates of RSL rise that exceed those of climate-induced SLR by an order of magnitude, specifically in delta regions and near cities …. In these subsiding regions, one available response to prepare for future climate-induced SLR is to manage and reduce anthropogenic subsidence … . assesses the current understanding of processes contributing to mean and extreme SLR globally, regionally and locally, with an emphasis on new insights about the AIS contribution. Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and charting Climate Resilient Development Pathways depends in part on ambitious and sustained mitigation efforts to contain SLR coupled with effective adaptation actions to reduce SLR impacts and risk . Choosing and implementing responses to SLR presents society with profound governance challenges and difficult social choices, which are inherently political and value laden . range are also provided here for decision makers with low risk tolerance. Accommodation measures, such as early warning systems for ESL events, are widespread. Retreat is observed but largely restricted to small communities or carried out for the purpose of creating new wetland habitat. Temperature measurements, although made at major population centres from days of the earliest rain gauges, were generally not established when rain gauges spread to more remote locations during the s and s. Although they gradually caught up in number with rain gauges, many places which have had rainfall data for over years have only a few decades of temperature records. Records exist of floods in a number of rivers, such as the Hawkesbury, from the time of first settlement. These suggest that, for the period beginning with the first European settlement, the first thirty-five years or so were wet and were followed by a much drier period up to the mid-s, when usable instrumental records started. Paleoclimatic records indicate that during glacial maxima Australia was extremely arid, with plant pollen fossils showing deserts as far as northern Tasmania and a vast area of less than vegetation cover over all of South Australia and adjacent regions of other states. Forest cover was largely limited to sheltered areas of the east coast and the extreme southwest of Western Australia. In a RCP . scenario Darwin’s temperature will be similar to that of Daly River now, with its rainfall most like that of Milikapiti. In a RCP . scenario, indicating higher greenhouse gas emissions, Darwin’s temperature loses any close comparison in Australia being significantly hotter than every town in Australia is today .
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