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correction has been applied. is a summary of the long-term trend of GMSL from to obtained by superposing the two sources of observed data. From we can see that the rate of increase in GMSL was not large until , but since then it has increased at an accelerating rate. Church and White indicated that the increase of GMSL from to was cm, and that the rate of increase almost doubled to . . mmyear for to , relative to to when the rate was . . mmyear. We will first examine observed sea-level changes during the past years. The observations have been made in two ways; one is tide gauge observation, and the other is by radar altimeters installed in satellites. In Amazoni forest fires could as much as double by with warming of approximately . to above preindustrial levels. Changes would be expected to be even more severe in a world. Ecosystem damage would be expected to Newspaper horror character halloween hawaiian shirt dramatically reduce the provision ofecosystem services on which society depends . Recent extreme heat waves such as in Russia in are likely to become the new normal summer in a world. Tropical South Americ central Afric and all tropical islands in the Pacific are likely to regularly experience heat waves of unprecedented magnitude and duration. In this new high-temperature climate regime, the coolest months are likely to be substantially warmer than the warmest months at the end of the th century. This why the global conclusion of the report is that the projected warming simply must not be allowed to occur the heat must be turned down. Only early, cooperative, international actions can make that happen. This report spells out what the world would be like if it warmed by degrees Celsius, which is what scientists are nearly unanimously predicting will happen by the end of the century if no significant policy changes are undertaken. Social conflictSocial conflict can be reduced by tailor-made design and facilitation of participation processes, and involving stakeholders early and consistently throughout decision making and implementation of SLR responses . An idea closely related to adaptive decision making is to keep future alternatives open by favouring flexible alternatives over non-flexible ones. An alternative is said to be ‘flexible’ if it allows switching to other alternatives once the implemented alternative is no longer effective.
For example, a flexible protection approach would be to build small dikes on foundations designed for higher dikes, in order to be able to raise dikes in the future should SLR necessitate this. An adaptation strategy developed based on the maximisation of expected utility may not meet this goal, because worst case damages occurring can exceed expected damages by orders of magnitude. There is very high confidence that retreat is effective in reducing the risks and impacts of SLR as retreat directly reduces exposure of human settlements and activities . Adaptation planning for SLR has been incorporated into land use planning in several states in the USA Butler , b. In the Yangtze River Delt landscape planning designs floodplain zones to accept floodwaters . In the Mekong Delt different land use options, including shifting from freshwater agriculture to brackish and saline agriculture, were proposed as seawater intrudes farther inland Smajgl . Globally, it is estimated that about , km of land has been gained from the sea during the last years about more than has been lost, with the biggest gains being due to land reclamation in places like Dubai, Singapore and China Wang , Donchyts . In Shanghai alone, km land has been reclaimed during the same period Sengupta . In Lagos, km² of new land is currently being reclaimed . Land reclamation is also popular in some small island settings. The Maldives has recently increased the land area of their capital region by constructing a new island called Hulhumalé, which has been built cm higher than the normal island elevation of . m, in order to take into account future SLR Hinkel . There is limited evidence and low agreement on the costs of ecosystem-based measures to make generally valid estimations of the unit costs across large spatial scales. The total cost of an ecosystem-based measure includes capital costs, maintenance costs, the
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