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Challinor have developed a typology for transboundary and transboundary risk transmission that distinguishes the roles of climate and social and economic systems. To understand these complex interactions, they recommend a combination of methods that include expert judgement; interactive scenario building; global systems science and big data; and innovative use of climate and integrated assessment models; and social science techniques , surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The evidence suggests, as with SR and its multiple pathways to climate change solutions, that there is no single solution that will address the problems of food and climate change, but instead there is a need to deploy many solutions, simultaneously adapted to the needs and options available in a given context. For example, Springmann indicate that maintaining the food system within planetary boundaries at mid-century, including equitable climate, requires increasing the production of agricultural outputs ,, closing yield gaps, reducing waste, naruto 22 years thank you for memories signatures shirt and changes in diets towards ones often described as flexitarian low-meat dietary patterns that are in line with available evidence on healthy eating. Such changes can have significant co-benefits for public health, as well as facing significant challenges to ensure equity . In summary, integrated agricultural systems and practices can enhance food system resilience to climate change and reduce GHG emissions, while helping to achieve sustainability . Response options related to food system and their potential impacts on mitigation and adaptation. Many response options offer significant potential for both mitigation and adaptation. Different production systems will require different strategies, including the assessment of impacts on food security, and this has been the subject of significant research ,
Livestock systems are heterogeneous in terms of their agroecological orientation arid, humid or temperatehighland locations, livestock species , structure grazing only, mixed-crop-livestock systems, industrial systems, feedlots and others, level of intensification, and resource endowment . While the Green Revolution technologies substantially increased the yield of few crops and allowed countries to reduce hunger, they also resulted in inappropriate and excessive use of agrochemicals, inefficient water use, loss of beneficial biodiversity, water and soil pollution and significantly reduced crop and varietal diversity. With farming systems moving away from subsistence-based to commercial farming, farmers are also reluctant to grow these local crops because of low return, poor market value and lack of knowledge about their nutritional environmental value. With rapid urbanisation, it is important to integrate strategies , zero-carbon energy, smart irrigation systems, and climate- resilient agriculture to minimise the negative effects of climate change while securing quality food for a growing population. There are two main routes by which food quality may change. First, the direct effects of climate change on plant and animal biology, such as through changing temperatures changing the basic metabolism of plants. Secondly, by increasing carbon dioxide’s effect on biology through CO fertilisation. Pests, diseases, and vectors for both crop and livestock diseases are likely to be altered by climate change . Such changes are likely to depend on specifics of the local context, including management, but perturbed agroecosystems are more likely, on theoretical grounds, to be subject to pest and disease outbreaks . Whilst specific changes in pest and disease pressure will vary with geography, farming system, pestpathogen increasing in some situations decreasing in others there is robust evidence, with high agreement, that pest and disease pressures are likely to change; such uncertainty requires robust strategies for pest and disease mitigation. Crop productivity changes for . and .. The IPCC Special Report on global warming of . found that climate-related risks to food security are projected to increase with global warming of . and increase further with . These findings are based among others on The importance of assumptions about CO fertilisation was found to be significant by Ren and Tebaldi and Lobell . The current food system feeds the great majority of world population and supports the livelihoods of over billion people. Since , food supply per
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