and leading to increased production. In this way, the expected gains from new technologies that increase the efficiency of resource law and order 22 years thank you for memories signature shirt use may be reduced . Thus, in order for the livestock sector to provide a contribution to GHG mitigation, reduction in emissions intensities need to be accompanied by appropriate governance and incentive mechanisms to avoid
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Optical Depth has been available since the s. VOD is based on microwave measurements and is related to total above-ground biomass water content. Unlike NDVI, which is only sensitive to green canopy cover, VOD is also sensitive to water in woody parts of the vegetation and hence provides a view of vegetation changes that can be complementary to NDVI. Liu used VOD trends to investigate biomass changes and found that VOD was closely related to precipitation changes in drylands. To complement their work with NDVI, Andela also applied the RESTREND method to VOD. By interpreting NDVI and VOD trends together they were able to differentiate changes to the herbaceous and woody components of the biomass. They reported that many dryland regions are experiencing an increase in the woody fraction often associated with shrub encroachment and suggest that this was aided by CO law and order 22 years thank you for memories signature shirt fertilisation. Food supply chains . The expansion of the cold chain into developing economies means increased energy consumption and GHG emissions at the consumer stages of the food system, but its net impact on GHG emissions for food systems as a whole, is complex and uncertain . Further understanding of negative side effects in intensive food processing systems is still needed. In summary, there is significant potential that, through aligning multiple policy goals, multiple benefits can be realised that positively impact public health, mitigation and adaptation , adoption of healthier diets, reduction in waste, reduction in environmental impact. These benefits may not occur without the alignment across multiple policy areas . In summary, there is significant potential mitigation arising from the adoption of diets in line with dietary recommendations made on the basis of health. These are broadly similar across most countries. These are typically capped at the number of calories and higher in plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lower in animal-sourced foods, fats and sugar. Such diets have the potential to be both more sustainable and healthier than alternative diets . The extent to which the mitigation potential of dietary choices can be realised requires both climate change and health being considered together. Socio-economic , political, and cultural contexts would require significant consideration to enable this mitigation potential to be realised. Of this technical potential, GtCO-eq yr come from reductions of mostly non-CO GHG within the farm gate, while the remainder was linked to carbon sequestration on agricultural lands no longer needed for livestock production. When the transition to a low-meat diet reduces the agricultural area required, land is abandoned, and the re-growing vegetation can take up carbon until a new equilibrium is reached. This is known as the land-sparing effect.
In this scenario, technical options would account for of the abatement, while another would be obtained through structural changes, and a further would be obtained through shifts in consumption caused by food price increases. Key to the achievement of this mitigation potential lay in the livestock sector, as reductions in livestock consumption, structural changes and implementation of technologies in the sector had some of the highest impacts. Regions with the highest mitigation potentials were Latin America, China and Sub-Saharan Africa. The large-scale implementability of such proposed sweeping changes in livestock types and production systems is likely very limited as well as constrained by long-established socio-economic, traditional and cultural habits, requiring significant incentives to generate change. Agroforestry systems with perennial crops, such as coffee and cacao, may be more important carbon sinks than those that combine trees with annual crops. Brandt showed that farms in semi-arid regions mm precipitation were increasing in tree cover due to natural regeneration and that the increased application of agroforestry systems were supporting production and reducing GHG emissions. Increases in economies of scale linked to increased efficiencies and decreased emission intensities may lead to more emissions, rather than less, an observed dynamic referred to by economists as a ‘rebound effect’. This is because increased efficiency allows production processes to be performed using fewer resources and often at lower cost. This in turn influences consumer behaviour and product use, increasing demand
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