58 Introductions and invasions of nonnative species such as killer bees, lava skull baltimore ravens football team full over printed shirt fire ants, and zebra mussels through human activities cause enormous damage to living resources and threaten human health.
lava skull baltimore ravens football team full over printed shirt
agriculture with management for biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.87 Management of agricultural landscapes to optimize for natural pollinators and natural predators of agricultural pests lava skull baltimore ravens football team full over printed shirt will at the same time conserve species and ecosystems, because in doing so patches of diverse natural vegetation adjacent to agricultural systems are maintained.88 Management of regions to maximize water supply and water quality for urban systems can at the same time conserve and sustain the natural systems that provide watershed services. Improvements in efficiency of water and chemical use in agricultural systems will sustain the quality of down-wind and downstream ecosystems at the same time they protect human health.89 Opportunities to restore degraded lands have direct relevance to sustainable agriculture and forestry as well as to natural ecosystems.
Equally important, however, is the fact that the misuse of resources like fisheries, forests, grasslands, and agricultural systems has tremendous unintended effects on the functioning of ecosystems more generally and on the services these ecosystems provide. For example, land transformation is the primary driving force in the loss of biological diversity worldwide. Biotic extinction rates have increased 100 to 1,000 times preindustrial rates and species are being driven to extinction thousands of times faster than new ones can evolve.56 With loss of biological diversity and alteration or loss of the ecosystems that support them, many social and economic consequences follow. For example, land use changes in watersheds can seriously degrade the water purification processes of soil/plant systems at enormous cost to urban communities.57 Degradation and loss of wetlands can expose communities to increased flood and storm surge damage. Decimation of pollinating insects has had important negative consequences on yields of particular crops.

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