enhance each others potential” watch this later Jesus jiu jitsu has my back vintage shirt after class im so blessed to have found you. You are the only one who has ever inspired me in this way I have this We work it out
Jesus jiu jitsu has my back vintage shirt
He kind of explained what I’ve been trying to say. this relates to so many conversations we have had but I always want to remind you how much value you bring to my life Jesus jiu jitsu has my back vintage shirt Lovely message and totally agree, more people need to hear this. Just put off listening to this when ive heard/read nearly every sentence in this video (without fail) individually from another source, meme, of online photo of a quote from a book. Took away some of the sincerity of all this for me because it felt like it was all just copy and pasted from others inspirational lines…but still, inspiration is inspiration i guess. I hate being the downer message here but i just had to say
that even though the message is fantastic and great, it seems all copied from other people so shouldn’t be posted like its all from this guy spreading the message. Obviously is a world wide message that only seems to make sense to a load of people if its put together in a massive chunk (with light music played ninn the background). If the guy speaking really did speak all of this from his own heart then its an amazing coincidence. But like i said, pretty much every line he said is already out there, and has been for years. Shouldn’t take a video like this to us to come together with love. It should be something that’s constant. We just need to open our eyes and minds to it all the time. “When two people who understand themselves come together, they’re actually able to

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