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technological choices and their environmental impacts Gregory . Such differences in perception explain why the Fukushima incident resulted in a confirmation or acceleration of phasing out nuclear energy in five countries while other countries have continued using nuclear energy, amongst which are building new nuclear capacity, including China, India and the United Kingdom IAEA, Yuan . Few studies address the relations between the Shared Socio-Economic Pathways and the Sustainable Developments Goals O’Neill , Riahi . Nonetheless, literature on potential synergies and trade-offs between .-consistent mitigation pathways and sustainable development dimensions is emerging Chapter , Section ., Chapter , Section .. Areas of potential trade-offs include reduction in final energy demand in relation to SDG and increase of biomass production in relation to land use, water resources, food production, biodiversity and air quality Chapter , Sections ., … Strengthening the institutional and policy responses to deal with these challenges is discussed in Section . together with the linkage between disruptive changes in the energy sector and structural in memory of dale earnhardt thank you for memories shirt changes in other infrastructure sectors. A more in-depth assessment of the complexity and interfaces between .-consistent pathways and sustainable development is presented in Chapter . When done successfully, adaptation can allow individuals to adjust to the impacts of climate change in ways that minimize negative consequences and to maintain their livelihoods. This could involve, for example, a farmer switching to drought-tolerant crops to deal with increasing occurrences of heatwaves. In some cases, however, the impacts of climate change could result in entire systems changing significantly, such as moving to an entirely new agricultural system in areas where the climate is no longer suitable for current practices. Constructing sea walls to stop flooding due to sea level rise from climate change is another example of adaptation, but developing city planning to change how flood water is managed throughout the city would be an example of transformational adaptation. These actions require significantly more institutional, structural, and financial support. While this kind of transformational adaptation would not be needed everywhere in a . world, the scale of change needed would be challenging to implement, as it requires additional support, such as through financial assistance and behavioural change.
Few empirical examples exist to date. The world is already experiencing the impacts from of global warming above pre-industrial levels, and there are many examples of adaptation to impacts associated with this warming. Examples of adaptation efforts taking place around the world include investing in flood defences such as building sea walls or restoring mangroves, efforts to guide development away from high risk areas, modifying crops to avoid yield reductions, and using social learning to modify agricultural practices, amongst many others. Adaptation also involves building capacity to respond better to climate change impacts, including making governance more flexible and strengthening financing mechanisms, such as by providing different types of insurance. , Inter-institutional externalities, International Monetary Fund, , , Internet, Inventors, Investment activity, income redistribution and, “Invisible hand of government,” “Invisible hand of market,” , Iran hostages, Ireland bubbles in, challenges to welfare policies in, contingent liabilities in, famine in, influence of conservatives in, marginal tax rates in, public spending in, , supply-side economics in, Irrationality consumer protection and, effect on market, Friedman on, nudges and, recessions and, Islam, Italian School, , Italy allocation of resources in, authoritarian government in, bureaucracy in, Communist Party, Constitution, , Constitutional Commission of Eighteen, corporatism in, corruption in, Corte dei Conti, economic planning in, fascism in, financial accountability in, incentives in, influence of conservatives in, “Keynesian Revolution” in, Labor Charter of ,
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