than with unknowns and with visible effects than with visions of the future. hip hop skull san francisco 49ers football team full over printed shirt Walley and Whitehead contribute to the necessary exercise of sorting choices for the future of business,
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Walley and Whitehead greatly oversimplify Michael Porter’s argument . In addition to rebutting a crude version of Porter’s “innovation hypothesis,” hip hop skull san francisco 49ers football team full over printed shirt they fail to appreciate that his message is as much a prescription for government and a call for new regulatory strategies as a lesson for business. It is true that some environmentalists see seemingly endless environmental investment opportunities for corporations with positive rates of return and will gladly mandate them if companies won’t take them on. Sometimes it is in the commercial interests of the company’s shareholders to adopt higher environmental standards. Sometimes, too, companies make money because governments tighten environmental regulations. But those results occur in rather special circumstances.
But most of the choices we as a society must make and businesspeople must make if their companies are to survive are far more complex with far less empirical decision-making support. Companies in some industries must challenge their reason for being, or their core competencies. Is an oil company in the oil business long term, or in the fuel business, or in the energy business? Is an automobile manufacturer a transportation company? Read carefully between the lines, Al Gore’s book is much more than environmental happy talk; it is a challenge to industry to find solutions by thinking globally and long term. As anyone who has used a spreadsheet to construct a business plan knows, the power of unknown externalities increases beyond one year. Even internal forces over time can seem like fantasy as you create, through mathematical formulas inserted in neat boxes, projections eight, nine, or ten years out. Managers and consultants, trained in the science of computer-aided projections, are understandably more comfortable with knowns

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