As well as targeting the items, it was suggested that sources and pathways of marine litter should also be Floral chicago cubs mlb summer vacation hawaiian shirt addressed. In this context, the effectiveness of public awareness initiatives was discussed with stakeholders noting a lack of demonstrable
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reduce littering, and EPR to pay the cost of prevention and cleaning-up when litter still occurs. The specific case of tethered caps is meant to reduce significantly the littering of single caps and lids. For fishing gear, the actions would lead, together with other planned measures, to a reduction of losses of fishing gear at sea to the truly unavoidable. the EU, Member States, Local and regional authorities, fishers and fisheries organization are considered important Question – Specific. Only other international bodies, NGOs and the private sector seem to Floral chicago cubs mlb summer vacation hawaiian shirt not play such an important role for reducing leakage of fishing gear into the marine environment. Especially, the latter one is surprising as the private sector could establish extended producer responsibility schemes to reduce marine litter or redesigning fishing gear. The most important role play the fishers, as they are the direct users of the gear indicate fishers as very important stakeholders in this issue. A number of EU-level instruments deal with fishing gear. Complementing these instruments would be done most effectively by EU-level action ensuring a continued uniform approach. By way of example, the programmes of measures under the MSFD targeting fishing gear are being designed by Member States on an individual basis, where some of the proposed actions . EPR, recycling would be better done on a common footing. A number of actions to tackle sea-based sources of marine litter are already taken at EU level . the Port Reception Facilities directive. The Common Fisheries Policy, whose objective is the conservation and management of marine biological resources, is implemented through EU legal instruments such as the Control Regulation. Any action to complement the existing legal framework at an EU level would maximise its added value. Conversely, action to complement the existing framework but taken at national or regional level would risk undermining the existing framework by distorting the “level playing field”. should be used mainly for the recovery of marine litter found in fishing nets during normal fishing activities “passive fishing for litter” and recovery of fishing gear and marine litter washed up on beaches. However, here stakeholders highlighted specifically that rather than public funds fishers and producers should be charged and that focus should be placed on prevention rather than retrieval. Lastly, a strong comment has been made that subsidizing the fishing gear recycling industry would be useful to help it grow and encourage better end of life treatment of fishing gear. The preferred approach of the impact assessment would enable charges at the point of sale should MS decide that such a measure would be effective for a particular product in reaching reduction targets.
This approach has been highly effective in the case of single-use lightweight plastic carrier bags, with significant benefits at little or no cost . Such an approach may be effective also for other products, with costs to economic operators depending on how it is designed. SUP products are often given away free by food outlets but imply a cost, therefore a reduction in their use through a charge would in most cases imply a reduction in costs. Other measures would imply adaptations for upstream operators rather than at point of sale. A strong case was also made for reducing the presence of SUPs in the environment, with caps, lids and drinking bottles on the list of priorities. With reference to specific measures, respondents were in favour of beach cleaning, active ‘fishing for litter’ and the regular quantification of marine and beach litter. Industry and trade associations were the only stakeholder category that did not support active ‘fishing for litter’. Recovery of marine litter found in fishing nets and recovery of fishing gear also generated support across most stakeholders. Recognising the relationship between consumption and littering, and the priorities according to the waste hierarchy, binding consumption reduction targets linked to achievable time frames, were proposed. Consumer incentives, deposit-return schemes and provision of infrastructure for recycling were identified as potentially appropriate measures.
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