or will involve restricted work or days away from work. faith hope love family alzheimers disease poster OSHA believes that cases involving the excision of the outer layer of skin are not appropriately considered first aid,
faith hope love family alzheimers disease poster
For example, a small second degree burn to the forearm that is treated with nothing more than a bandage is not recordable. A larger or more severe second degree burn that faith hope love family alzheimers disease poster is treated with prescription creams or antibiotics, or results in restricted work, job transfer, or days away from work is recordable. The vast majority of first degree burns and minor second degree burns will not be recorded because they will not meet the recording criteria, including medical treatment. However, more serious first and second degree burns that receive medical treatment will be recorded, and third degree burns should always be recorded because they require medical treatment.
The former Recordkeeping Guidelines listed the treatment of first degree burns as an example of first aid treatment and did not consider such treatment to be recordable (Ex. 2, p. 43). In the final rule, OSHA has decided not to include burn treatments on the first aid list. If first, second, or third degree burns result in days away from work, restricted work activity, or medical treatment beyond first aid, such as prescription drugs or complex removal of foreign material from the wound, they will rise to the level that requires recording. In the final rule, OSHA has decided to retain item 13 essentially as proposed, and this first aid treatment appears as item K on the first aid list. The inclusion of the phrase “other simple means” will provide some flexibility and permit simple means other than those listed to be considered first aid. Cases involving more complicated removal procedures will be captured on the Log because they will require medical treatment such as prescription drugs or stitches

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