claims that “basic human needs” can be met with enough electricity to power a fan, a couple of light bulbs, and a radio for five dragon ball z goku and vegeta friends tv show shirt hours a day.” We emphatically choose a better path. Frack the UN. report, most people understand that climate change is occurring largely due to the actions of humans . The major cause is the release of carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat, causing
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multiple attempts to define a governance approach that relies on Nationally Determined Contributions and on means for a ‘facilitative model’ to reinforce them. This enables a regular, iterative, review of NDCs allowing countries to set their own ambitions after a global stocktake and more flexible, experimental forms of climate governance, which may provide room for higher ambition and be consistent with the needs of governing for a rapid transition to close the emission gap Clémençon, Falkner, Cross-Chapter Box in this chapter. Beyond a general consensus on the necessity of measurement, reporting and verification mechanisms as a key element of a climate regime Ford , b; van Asselt , some authors emphasize different governance approaches to implement the Paris Agreement. Through the new proposed sustainable development mechanism in Article , the Paris Agreement allows the space to dragon ball z goku and vegeta friends tv show shirt harness the lowest cost mitigation options worldwide. This may incentivize policymakers to enhance mitigation ambition by speeding up climate action as part of a ‘climate regime complex’ of loosely interrelated global governance institutions. In the Paris Agreement, the ‘common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities’ CBDR-RC principle could be expanded and revisited under a ‘sharing the pie’ paradigm as a tool to open innovation processes towards alternative development pathways . Other studies extrapolate historical trends into the future Höök , Fouquet, or contrast the rates of change associated with specific temperature limits in IAMs with historical trends to investigate plausibility of emission pathways and associated temperature limits Wilson , Gambhir , Napp . When metrics are normalized to gross domestic product GDP; as opposed to other normalization metrics such as primary energy, low-emission technology deployment rates used by IAMs over the course of the coming century are shown to be broadly consistent with past trends, but rates of change in emission intensity are typically overestimated Wilson , Loftus , van Sluisveld . This bias is consistent with the findings from the ‘validation’ studies cited above, suggesting that IAMs may under-report the potential for supply-side technological change assumed in .
consistent pathways, but may be more optimistic about the systemic ability to realize incremental changes in reduction of emission intensity as a consequence of favourable energy efficiency payback times Wilson . This finding suggests that barriers and enablers other than costs and climate limits play a role in technological change, as also found in the innovation literature Hekkert , Bergek , Geels , b. Converging adaptation and mitigation options can lead to synergies and potentially increase cost-effectiveness, but multiple trade-offs can limit the speed of and potential for scaling up. Many examples of synergies and trade-offs exist in all sectors and system transitions. For instance, sustainable water management and investment in green infrastructure to deliver sustainable water and environmental services and to support urban agriculture are less cost-effective than other adaptation options but can help build climate resilience. Achieving the governance, finance and social support required to enable these synergies and to avoid trade-offs is often challenging, especially when addressing multiple objectives, and attempting appropriate sequencing and timing of interventions. Shifts in dietary choices towards foods with lower emissions and requirements for land, along with reduced food loss and waste, could reduce emissions and increase adaptation options . Decreasing food loss and waste and changing dietary behaviour could result in mitigation and adaptation by reducing both emissions and pressure on land, with significant co-benefits for food security, human health and sustainable development , but evidence of successful policies to modify dietary choices remains limited. Until something better comes along coal and gas will be the mainstay. “Faced with a perceived conflict between expanding global energy access and rapidly reducing greenhouse emissions to prevent climate change, many environmental groups and donor institutions have come to rely on small-scale, decentralized, renewable energy technologies that cannot meet the energy demands of rapidly growing emerging economies and people struggling to escape extreme poverty. The UN’s flagship energy access program, for example,
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