with the notice thus apparent from even a cursory review of the brief newsletter. custom name kentucky colonels baseball shirt This is not a case where a union’s publication notice of its Beck policy is hidden
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It observed that the union’s document “essentially required the either to accept that the expenditures were indeed audited or to go through the trouble of requesting a copy of the audit report to verify the custom name kentucky colonels baseball shirt Union’s summary.” … Although the court did not require the union to provide objectors with a full copy of the underlying audit, because the union contended that it lifted the relevant figures from an audited statement, the court ordered it to “include certification from the independent auditor that the summarized figures have indeed been audited and have been correctly reproduced from the audited report.” … I find the Ninth Circuit’s rationale in Cummings persuasive and consistent with the Board’s own precedent.
We cannot agree with the General Counsel that the IAM acted arbitrarily, in bad faith, or in a discriminatory manner, and thereby violated its duty of fair representation, by failing specifically to note its Beck policy on the cover of its publication.54 Our review of the publication notice provided by the IAM does not support the General Counsel’s essential premise that the failure to have a cover notation demonstrates that the notice is “buried” in the newsletter for purposes of obfuscation. There can be no dispute that the IAM’s Beck policy is well marked; it is highlighted in color and is accordingly distinct from other text and further set apart from other text by being placed in a long horizontal format with a highlighted outline, with the word “Notice” is in bold print at the top. Of further significance is that the December 1989 newsletter is only 12 pages in length in a newspaper format,

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