contribute to applying general-purpose technologies to mitigation purposes. If this is not managed, some reduction in emissions could happen autonomously, but it may not lead to a .ºC-consistent pathway. cheech and chong 50th anniversary signatures thank you for memories shirt International cooperation on technology, including technology transfer where this does not happen
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become more common, as ocean temperature is the “fuel” for hurricanes. has struggled to gain credibility and power. Another element here, the Paris Agreement signed in April , is neither binding nor enforceable, and the United States withdrew from it in June . My tentative suggestion is to create a World Climate Authority. I use “authority” rather than “forum” or “council” because such an important body should not be a debating or research group but a body with power to curb climate change and solve the lack of collective action that cheech and chong 50th anniversary signatures thank you for memories shirt undercuts efforts to halt global warming. as given and as a reasonable representation of the state of the science. The nature of the emission reductions being discussed in the international climate negotiations go well beyond mitigation efforts at the margin because they involve major energy system transitions. To achieve this in a way that does not stifle economic growth, particularly in the developing world, is a challenge of unprecedented proportions.chreportarwg . Ibid. Ibid. Dietz and Stern show that accounting for the endogeneity of growth leads to a much stronger case for climate policy action than indicated in standard economic models. In this chapter we extend this basic logic to argue that accounting for the drivers of growth and innovation affords the opportunity to dramatically lower the costs of reducing emissions. Nevertheless, Bhutan faces rising GHG emissions.
Transport and industry are the largest growth areas . Bhutan’s carbon-neutral status would be threatened by with business-as-usual approaches to economic growth . Increases in hydropower are being planned based on climate change scenarios that suggest sufficient water supply will be available . Forest cover is expected to remain sufficient to maintain co-benefits. The biggest challenge is to electrify both freight and passenger transport . Bhutan wants to be a model for achieving economic growth consistent with limiting climate change to . and improving its GNHI Michaelowa , through synthesizing all three goals and improving its adaptive capacity. Monitoring and evaluation M&E in adaptation implementation can promote accountability and transparency of adaptation financing, facilitate policy learning and sharing good practices, pressure laggards, and guide adaptation planning. The majority of research on M&E focuses on specific policies or programmes, and has typically been driven by the needs of development organizations, donors, and governments to measure the impact and attribution of adaptation initiatives Ford and Berrang-Ford. There is growing research examining adaptation progress across nations, sectors, and scales Robinson. In response to a need for global, regional and local adaptation, the development of indicators and standardized approaches to evaluate and compare adaptation over time and across regions, countries, and sectors would enhance comparability and learning. A number of constraints continue to hamper progress on adaptation M&E, including a debate on what actually constitutes adaptation for the purposes of assessing progress , an absence of comprehensive and systematically collected data on adaptation to support longitudinal and challenges of attributing altered vulnerability to adaptation actions From Section , including the case studies presented in the Boxes . to , several main messages can be constructed. For instance, governance would have to be multilevel and engaging different actors, while being efficient, and choosing the form of cooperation based on the specific systemic challenge or option at hand. If institutional capacity for financing and governing the various transitions is not urgently built, many countries would lack the ability to change pathways from a high-emission scenario to a low- or zero-emission scenario. In terms of innovation, governments, both national and multilateral, can
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